Office of Sustainability

Students Advocating for Change

In 2021, the second-largest number of students in Pikes Peak State College's history voted to permanently fund the Green Campus Fee, which supports the Office of Sustainability and Coordinator of Sustainability.

Upcoming Events and Posters

PFAS Poster

Creek Clean Up 2024


Picture of the exterior of the Centennial Building

General Information

What is sustainability?
  • Sustainability encompasses human and ecological health, social justice, secure livelihoods, and a better world for all generations. 
Why learn about sustainability? 
  • Sustainability is relevant to all academic, technical, and vocational programs. Students learn how to conserve resources, work effectively on a team, and make long-term investments.
  • Sustainability concepts and practices prepare students to address society’s most pressing problems and give them a competitive advantage in applying for jobs.
Our Mission
  • To foster a culture of resource conservation, social equity, and environmental stewardship at Pikes Peak State College.
Our Funding
  • We receive funding from a student fee called the Green Campus Fee. Students pay $0.39 per credit hour to support our modest operation budget and full-time coordinator of sustainability.  
Our Services 
  • Student Employment
    • We provide employment opportunities for all students.
  • Student Engagement
    • We partner with staff and faculty to plan events and activities.
  • Academics:
    • We support faculty in incorporating sustainability into their classes.
  • Operations
    • We partner with staff to reduce waste, increase resource efficiency, and purchase sustainable products and services.
  • Strategic Planning
    • We collaborate with administrators to incorporate sustainability into the college’s strategic plan and conduct college-wide sustainability assessments.
  • Community Outreach
    • We partner with community organizations to mutually exchange resources and opportunities.
Contact Us
  • Office: Centennial Campus, Centennial Building, C-201
Follow Us on Facebook | Instagram | Youtube

10 Year Achievements

  • We championed the Student Bus Pass Program that serves over 1,000 students per year.
Waste Reduction and Diversion
  • We invested in convenient and consistent recycling stations in hallways, lounges, and parking lots across all campuses.
Student Employment
  • We trained and mentored over 45 student employees in seven years. 
Student Engagement
  • We engaged 3,000 students per year, planning events such as the Creek Cleanup, Green Holiday Fair, and Trash Art Competition.
Grounds Improvement
  • We transformed the Centennial Campus Courtyard Gardens from overgrown to an attractive place to study.
Facilities Improvements
  • We successfully proposed the PPSC’s first high-performance building.
Energy Efficiency
  • We piloted the first energy-efficient LED lighting project.
  • We won two regional sustainability awards in 2016 and 2018. 
Students walking outside the Rampart Range Campus.

Sustainability Events

Students working outdoors