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Student Government Association

The Voice of Students

The Student Government Association is the official representative voice of the student body. We advocate on behalf of students to college staff, faculty, and administrators. 

General Information

Our Mission
The Student Government Association at Pikes Peak State College is the official representative voice for our student body.  We seek to create an environment of growth and success through the guidance and development of character and by promoting change in favor of the student's interests, needs, and welfare.

Twice a month SGA has a Joint Session meeting that is open to the public. As a member of the PPSC community, you can come to these meetings with any topics or concerns you would like to discuss.

Contact Us
Student Government Association Advisors
Student Government Association
  • Centennial Campus - Room A204/C203
    • (719) 502-2104
  • Rampart Range Campus - S207
    • (719) 502-2098
  • Downtown Studio Campus - S234
    • (719) 502-2103
Students standing at Rampart Campus








Student writing in a notebook in class.

State Student Advisory Council

What is the State Student Advisory Council?

The State Student Advisory Council (SSAC) is comprised of student representatives from each of the 13 community colleges in the Colorado Community College System. They act as liaisons between students, the board of education, and congressional lawmakers. 

How does SSAC benefit students?

SSAC benefits students by allowing a direct pipeline through their representatives to voice their concerns and opinions to those that make policies that affect them. 

How does SSAC differ from the Student Government Association?

SSAC and the Student Government Association work together to better the community college as a whole and advocate for students. However, SSAC takes some of the college-level issues and takes them to a government level. Our SSAC, as well as many past SSAC reps, worked hard to make sure that these issues are heard.

How do I contact Pikes Peak State College's SSAC Representative?

PPSC's SSAC representative is active on campus and through the Student Government Association. You can contact our current representative via email to voice any concerns that you may have, or visit the SSAC website linked below. 

Current SSAC Representative

You can contact PPSC's SSAC Representative, Alicia Esparza, by email at alicia.esparza@pikespeak.edu
For more information, visit the State Student Advisory Council website.

Other Information

All clubs must send at least one officer to one Inter-Club Council Meeting a month.