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Supporting Your Student

Supporting Your Student

Pikes Peak recognizes transitioning to college - in addition to the growth and development of your student throughout the college years - are an adjustment for family members as well as students.

Family members are an important support for their college student! 

Choices for College Success

Tips for Academic Success

Choices for College Success

When students adopt a growth mindset, they believe they can develop their abilities and skills.

Students approach critical feedback and challenges as opportunities to gain information and learn new strategies. 

Students who have a growth mindset expect college to be difficult at times, and view difficulty as evidence they are learning and growing.

If the student doesn't understand what they are learning, they ask for help! 

Our Career Services Office provides guidance to all kinds of student, including:

  • Students undecided or unsure what they want to study, or what career field they want to enter
  • Students decided about the degree or certificate they want to pursue, but wanting to understand the choices of career that degree will give them
  • Students wanting to know their personal strengths, skills, and interests 
  • Students wanting help creating or editing their resume 
  • Students wanting help with interview skills and practice
  • Students looking for a job on campus 

Students who seek out experiences and opportunities to be involved experience growth, expand their understanding, and build relationships. 

Tips for Academic Success

A full-time college student will spend, on average, 15 hours a week in class. 

Being physically present and attentive in class is critically important.

Information, lectures, and class participation during scheduled classes, whether in person or online, is the single most important factor in a student's academic success.

Some faculty take attendance, and some do not. Even if attendance is not part of the course grade, attendance is important.



Encourage your child to ask for help early! 

PPSC has resources to support your student - we want your student to succeed in courses and graduate! 


Faculty-student relationships are important in college.

Many professors teach hundreds of students each semester; students must take initiative to get to know professors. 

Professors always have office hours - time set aside specifically for meeting with students. 

Encourage your child to reach out to instructors in person and through email. It is much easier for students to ask for help if the student and professor have communicated. 

Professors appreciate being asked about their course material and about their career path. 

From Caretaker to Coach

Pikes Peak recognizes the college transition process, and the changes that happen throughout your student’s college years, are an adjustment for family members as well for students. The parental and family role shifts from being primarily a caretaker to that of a coach.



  • Students can count on parents and teachers to remind them of responsibilities and to help set priorities.

  • Students must balance their responsibilities and set priorities. Students face moral and ethical decisions they may have never faced before.

  • Parents have access to school records, student progress, and other information.

  • Students are protected under FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act). College staff cannot share information without the student’s consent.

  • Parents may hear “play-by-play” updates from student throughout the day; families often in constant communication with student.

  • Students have more autonomy as they become more independent. 

  • Parents often take more responsibility for knowing what is required for student to graduate.

  • Students learn adult responsibilities through making adult decisions. Students are responsible for understanding requirements to meet their academic and educational goals.

  • Most of a student’s classes are arranged for them by guidance.

  • Students arrange their own schedules in consultation with faculty and academic advisors.

Asking the Right Questions

Whether your student was an outstanding scholar in high school or struggled throughout their academic career, college is an opportunity for a new academic start.

College might provide a new perspective or newfound passion for learning.

How can families lay the groundwork for the student?
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