*If you already have an F-1 visa, the transfer student application and document deadline is 2 weeks prior to the first day of classes for the semester. View the instructional calendar.
*Form I-20 will be issued after all required documents have been submitted and reviewed
for acceptance.
Bachelors, Certificate, and ESL programs are not eligible for F-1 visa holders at Pikes Peak at this time. Please contact our office for more details at international@pikespeak.edu.
Not an F-1 Visa Student?
If you are in the USA on another type of visa, are a permanent resident or have another
type of immigration status, and do not wish to obtain an F-1 visa, your admission
is the same as other students. Become a student today!
Your first step is to complete your online application for admission to PPSC. Please select "F-1 Visa" under citizenship type when you reach that area.
Important: Make sure you choose an international student eligible program on your application for admission.
After you apply, you will receive an email from your assigned international representative within 2 business days. It will contain a link to upload the documents below.
Do you have questions? Please contact our office at international@pikespeak.edu.
If you wish to have previous credits evaluated for transfer, an official evaluation of your transcripts must be made by a certified International Transcript Evaluation Service.
Submit a passport copy for each dependent.
If a dependent does not have a passport yet, enter the name exactly as it will appear on the passport, and send a copy of the passport once it is received.
Important: Inconsistency in the way names are shown on official documents may result in visa denial or inability to obtain a driver's license.
All international students must take Math and English placement tests to place into college-level courses before being admitted. There are online options as well as in-person options.
Follow the instructions in the handout below to complete your required placement testing.
ATTENTION: Pikes Peak is not issuing I-20's for the English as a Second Language (ESL) program at this time. English proficiency scores must meet the requirement for degree courses without supplemental ESL courses. However, ESL courses can be taken in addition to the degree program as long as all requirements of the F-1 visa are met. Please contact your Pikes Peak international representative for more information.
Provide one of the following:
NOTE: Visa-seeking international citizens from these select countries are exempt from providing English proficiency test scores with their application package.
Amount Required for students starting in the Fall or Spring semesters* (9 Months):
*Amounts as of November 2023. Cost may be adjusted based on current estimates.
F-1 visa (Associate):
Make sure you explore programs eligible under your visa type. F-1 students must be
enrolled full-time during fall and spring semesters, which means at least 12 credits per semester.
Additionally, at least 9 credits must be in-person or through hybrid courses. To help you stay in status with your visa, we have compiled a list of programs that
meet these criteria.
Bachelors, Certificate, and ESL programs are not eligible for F-1 students at Pikes Peak.
Academic Load and Performance
Want to Network at Pikes Peak?
Elena Kirillova, PDSO
Email: Elena.Kirillova@pikespeak.edu
Pikes Peak State College
5675 S. Academy Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Please note that our office works in a hybrid remote/in-person format. Please contact us first if you wish to meet an international representative on-campus.
If you are a prospective F-1 visa student, please email us at International@pikespeak.edu.
Phone: 719-502-2000 (For F-1 Visa questions)
From outside the U.S. (U.S. Country Code 01) + 719-502-2000