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Faculty Support

The PPSC Learning Commons generally does not add textbooks to the regular collection, as students are expected to purchase materials needed for their coursework (Our policy is based ALA and ACRL guidelines and legal code). However, we do have a reserves collection that 
offers student access to course materials through a collection of items instructors place on reserve. 

Submit this form to request that the Library create a course reserve for your class. Course reserves can be any physical item (books and other print materials, DVDs, 3D models and other realia, etc.) provided by instructors and department heads for student use. The Learning Commons makes reserve items available to students for a two-hour time frame per checkout during which the item cannot be removed from the Learning Commons. Ownership of items in the reserves collection remains with the individual placing the item in reserve, not with the Learning Commons. 

The Library can only provide links to digital items owned or licensed by the Library. If the Library does not have access to the digital items you requested, you may submit a materials purchase request using a different form available further down this webpage.

All Course Reserve requests must be in compliance with the Fair Use exception provided under copyright law:

Section 107: Limitations on Exclusive Rights: Fair Use- Public Law 94-553Notwithstanding the provisions of section 106, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in a particular case is a fair use the factors considered shall include:

  • the Purpose and Character of the use, including whether such a use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
  • the Nature of the Copyrighted work;
  • the Amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole;
  • the Effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

The Pikes Peak Learning Commons Library reserves the right to decide if items submitted fall within fair use guidelines. A librarian will contact you if any copyright concerns are noted.

Annual Review:

The Learning Commons staff will remove reserve items at the end of every academic year and return them to departments for review. If the department staff determines that the item will be used again in a coming semester, it will be the responsibility of that department’s staff to place the item back on reserve by filling out the form and sending the material back to the library. Items without forms will not be added to the collection.  All reserve items, regardless of circulation, will be reviewed to ensure current course relevancy. We apologize for any inconvenience but want to ensure that students have access to the correct materials needed for coursework. Thank you for understanding.  

Reserves Request Form

It is the mission of PPSC Library to help students achieve academic success by providing support that will develop critical thinking and information literacy skills and create a learning experience that will extend beyond the classroom walls. 

PPSC librarians teach many class sessions each semester, which cover topics related to information literacy. Simply put, people who are information literate can identify what information they need, understand where to look for it, successfully use search and retrieval tools, critically evaluate the available sources, and ethically use the most appropriate ones to meet their needs. All of the libraries' instruction is based upon the nationally recognized standard from the Association of College & Research Libraries: Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education.

Understanding the culture of assessment at PPSC, librarians have reviewed the Pathways for Information Literacy and Inquiry and Analysis and have developed curriculum that addresses some of the Student Learning Outcomes associated with each.

The librarians use a variety of methods to teach information literacy concepts and skills.

  • Most commonly, they make one visit to a class to show the students how to conduct research for a particular assignment.
  • In some cases, the librarians can visit a class several times during a semester. Using the extra time, the librarians teach more complex skills and concepts, and the longer time-frame gives the students time to practice using the new information.

How and what we teach:

Library Basics and Research Overview

Duration: 60 Minutes

  • Overview of library and resources
  • Databases demo for a specific assignment
  • Citations with NoodleTools
  • Selecting/Narrowing Topics
  • Scholarly and popular sources
  • Evaluating Source

Embedded Librarian

Duration: 30 Minutes

One librarian can come and work with your students several times during the semester. Using shorter, focused lessons, the librarian will target one concept or skill set at a time. This multi-contact model works for both face-to-face and online classes. Librarians can adapt their lessons for either traditional or flipped classrooms.

Please request librarian visits at least one week in advance. Librarians can visit classes at any PPSC campus, satellite learning location, or online environment.
Request that the library purchase an item to add to the collection. Please note that textbooks cannot be purchased, and that other items must fit within collection development policies and budget constraints.