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Career Options

Your Interpreting Career Starts Here

We prepare students for entry-level employment as a pre-certified sign language interpreter for deaf and hard of hearing individuals. Students must apply for admission to the Sign Language Interpreter Preparation Program by submitting a letter of intent. In order to be accepted into the program, students must demonstrate proficiency in American Sign Language. This may be accomplished by passing a proficiency test or by completing ASL 121 with a “C” grade or better and ASL 122 with a “B” grade or better. Contact the Interpreter Preparation Office for more details about applying.

Students must earn a “B” or better in all advanced ASL skills classes to progress to the next level. To enroll in internship (IPP 281), students must (1) have completed all General Education courses, (2) have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher, and (3) successfully complete IPP 225, 227, 229 and ASL 222 with a grade of “B” or better.

General Education courses such as ANT 101 and ENG 121 must be completed prior to program admission. Students not meeting a course prerequisite must have permission from the Department Chair to enroll.

Earnings Outlook

American Sign Language graduates earn on average $22.17 per hour.


Source: O*NET OnLine

For more information about the exciting field of interpreting please visit: http://discoverinterpreting.com

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