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Cost of Attendance

Cost of Attendance

Understanding how much it will cost per year is an important first step in determining how to pay for your education.

Below you will find estimated costs for an average academic year (9 months, including fall and spring semesters) at Pikes Peak State College, and some of the factors that affect your specific cost like whether you’re a Colorado resident or not. 

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Student Budgets

The Colorado Community College System accepts the responsibility for developing realistic student cost allowances, which are based upon the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) survey/guidelines.

Each budget that is established for student cost allowances seeks to reflect an accurate cost of living and direct educational cost estimates. PPSC will adjust budgets yearly to remain within the budget parameters established by the CDHE.

*Budgets based on 9 months 

9 Month Estimated Budgets

Books $1,460
Board $4,716
Fees $296
Loan fees $36
Medical $3,150
Personal $1,485
Room $7,308
Transportation $1,665
Tuition $3,790
TOTAL $23,906

Books $1,460
Board $2,601
Fees $296
Loan fees $36
Medical $3,150
Personal $1,332
Room $2,205
Transportation $1,665
Tuition $3,790
TOTAL $16,535

Books $1,460
Board $4,716
Fees $296
Loan fees $36
Medical $3,150
Personal $1,485
Room $7,308
Transportation $1,665
Tuition $15,556
TOTAL $35,672

Books $1,460
Board $4,716
Fees $296
Loan fees $36
Medical $3,150
Personal $1,485
Room $7,308
Transportation $1,665
Tuition $5,702
TOTAL $25,818

Books $1,460
Board $4,716
Fees $296
Loan fees $36
Medical $3,150
Personal $1,485
Room $0
Transportation $1,665
Tuition $3,790
TOTAL $16,598

Books $1,460
Board $2,601
Fees $296
Loan fees $36
Medical $3,150
Personal $1,332
Room $2,205
Transportation $1,665
Tuition $15,556
TOTAL $28,301