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Designated Smoking Areas

The outside view of Rampart Campus

College campuses and education centers on military sites where Pikes Peak State College courses are offered must be open and accessible to the general public in order to fulfill the role and mission of the institution. Therefore, it is important for the college to promote a healthy environment to the general public in a responsible manner.

For Centennial, Rampart Range, and Downtown Studio Campuses, smoking is permitted on campus in designated smoking areas only. These areas are more restrictive than in the past, so please see the respective maps. Smoking in unauthorized areas outdoors (other than within 15 feet of a doorway) will result in a $10 ticket. Smoking indoors and within 15 feet of any doorway is a violation of Colorado Law (C.R.S. 25-14-208) and carries hefty fines ranging from $200-$500 per incident.

High school students (AVP, PSEO, etc.) no matter what their age, are prohibited from smoking anywhere on our campuses. This is in keeping with Colorado State Law. Because the Falcon Campus facilities are leased from School District 49, all smoking is strictly forbidden. Military sites will comply with all rules and regulations for those installations.