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Families and Friends

For Emergencies

If you or someone you know is in danger of harming themselves or someone else, IMMEDIATELY call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.

If you are on a PPSC campus, call Campus Police at 502-2900.

For Concerned Family and Friends

As a family member or friend, you may observe behavioral signs or changes that concern you. The following list offers some behavioral signs that may reflect potential problems:

What to do when your child is having difficulty or is in crisis.

How to refer to the Counseling Center

Please encourage your family member or friend to call the Counseling Center for an appointment or come in to speak with someone. Often students are hesitant to seek out mental health counseling and your encouragement can facilitate them getting the services they need. Let them know that we see a wide range of issues at the Counseling Center and no issue is too small or too big. Call 719-502-4782.


Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday 
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Call The Counseling Center @ (719) 502-4782

*After Hours Emergencies Call Campus Police 502-2900

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